Want Relief from ... Plantar Fasciitis Get Some Relief Today!!
Plantar fasciitis can cause a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel. This pain is usually worst with the first few steps after awakening, although it can also be triggered by long periods of standing or getting up from a seated position.
Plantar Fasciitis Therapy

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
If you have PAIN in your feet, you most likely have something called Plantar Fasciitis. What it does is it causes PAIN in the bottom of your feet and heels. Now you might be asking yourself, "What the heck is the plantar fascia?" Well it’s a thin ligament that connects your heel to the front of your foot. It supports the arch of your foot and helps you walk without pain. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most common complaints people have with their feet. Your ligaments experience a lot of wear and tear and this can cause you a lot of PAIN. The ligaments in your feet act like shock absorbers, supporting the arch of your foot. Too much pressure on your feet can damage or tear these ligaments. When that fascia on the bottom of your foot… is damaged, that causes inflammation and that causes heel and foot PAIN plus stiffness.So What Can You Do?
If you have this type foot problem, you are at a greater risk for developing long lasting pain. If you are overweight or a woman it’ll happen even more. Who Get Plantar Fasciitis? Great question. And here’s the answer.- Women who are pregnant often experience bouts of plantar fasciitis.
- If you are a long distance runner, you may be more likely to develop these kinds of foot problems.
- You are also at risk if you have a job that involves being on your feet a lot. Active men and women between the ages of 40 and 70 are at the highest risk for developing plantar fasciitis. It’s also slightly more common in women than men.
- If you have foot problems, such as very high arches or very flat feet, you are at risk.
- Tight Achilles tendons can cause plantar fascia pain.
- Wearing shoes with soft soles and poor arch support can also result in plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis can cause heel spurs.
When Does This Happen?
-The major complaint like I see is pain and stiffness with this condition. This develops gradually over time. -It usually affects just one foot, but can affect both feet. -Some people describe the pain as “dull,” while others experience a ‘sharp pain,’ and some feel a ‘burning or ache’ on the bottom of the foot extending outward from the heel. -The pain is usually worse in the morning when you take your first steps out of bed, or if you’ve been sitting or lying down for a while. -Climbing stairs can be very difficult due to the heel stiffness. -After prolonged activity, the pain can flare-up due to increased inflammation. Pain is not usually felt during the activity, but rather shortly after stopping.What Are The Complications?
If you ignore the condition, you can develop chronic heel pain. This can change the way you walk. Then you can develop problems with your legs, knees, hips and back. Not a good thing! Steroid injections weaken the plantar fascia ligament and cause potential rupture of the ligament. Surgery carries the risks of bleeding, infection, and reactions to anesthesia-plus nerve damage.What Can You Do?
If you want the safe way to overcome your foot pain, you pick up the phone and call us today. There is a specialized program where we use specialized foot therapy. It helps get rid of your foot pain quickly, plus it helps you walk better, run better, and get back to a normal lifestyle. If you’re tired of the foot pain, don’t sit around and think about doing it. Call the office and schedule your appointment now. The longer you wait, the worse the problem will get. Call Now. I want to help!Find out if you're a candidate!
Call us today for a FREE CONSULTATION and DEMONSTRATION. Dr. Mark Hughes, D.C at (547)485-3044